Friday, May 19, 2017

Crown of Success Oil

Announcement 4 items coming up

1) Power Spearmint essential Oil
2) Laurel Victory oil
3) Dragonblood power pack herbs power facial toner
4) WitchHazel facial water

I will announce soon.

But 18 June student, u will have first chance to get the oil.
Best Oil to invest yet , good fresh one seldom comes by.

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In market Laurel Leaf essential oil is 5ml at $60 plus. Omhealth launching this laurel Leaf essential oil 6ml at $50 and u will love it.
The laurel leaf was a symbol of victory in ancient Greek mythology. So to have this oil and use it daily brings alot of good energy for this year especially after DUan Wu Jie.
Image result for laurel crown
It is beneficial for the whole body. It improves the metabolic functions and also tones up the nervous system, thus making you more alert and active. Finally, it boosts the immune system, thereby protecting you from infections.

Other Benefits: is effective in symptoms like rheumatism, neuralgia, muscular pain, circulation problems, cold, flu, dental infection, diarrhea, skin infections and promoting growth of hair, and general health of the scalp.

Is limited 30 bottles; U can order soon. Are u interested.

  • Antioxidants in sweet bay laurel consist of chemical compounds that can help fight the damage caused by free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of cancer.
laurel has high content, also if blend with carrier oil in mixture with other oil it helps healthy skin, hair, and vision. 

  • And regulate the function of nerves, organs, and hormone production. It  relieve muscle pain or sprains. So is like an add on to ur 3 oil method.

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