Thursday, March 16, 2017

Birthday DO and DOnts (PART ONE)

Birthday is a day to do good deeds and also in Ancient tradition we use this day to improve our luck. But many younger generation know the secret of working with your birthday to improve luck

Do and Donts:

For past 6 years I always say,for birthday if your parents still around and u below 60. U shouldnt use the chinese SHOU word.

In the past , gold smith shop, if u buy the word SHOU for friend birthday... They will ask

1) Oh this 壽Shou Zi is for a friend, is their parents still around.
2) Is this person above 60
3) Is this person Pan Dan.

U see, if ur parents are still around and even u re in your 60, u should avoid receiving SHOU Zi in your birthday.

There are some people in their 60s and parents still around. And they celebrate birthday with SHOU ZI alot , end up parents very sick that year.

Well this hor, i seen alot le:> So take note.

Nowadays youngster in 30s birthday, friend will buy them 壽 cakes or one SHOU Bao with many mini one inside.

This is a no no. It may affect your luck and family luck. Also when u are in your 29, 39, 49... Just dont tell people the 9,  just say u are 28 or 30.

Personal Experience:
Uncle Bryan, few years ago, kana a birthday and someone send me a SHOU Bao with 30 shou bao inside and receive a SHOU gold pendant. That year gosh I totally forget about this and end up challenging year for myself and my parents health.

If you go China, and ur china friend birthday, u give SHOU ZI when their parents still around. U will kana Upside down.

What TO DO?
1) If in your birthday, ur blur friend send u SHOU pendant, U quick wrap up and put in cupboard and say loudly : " I will use this pendant next time".

Than touch the COIN BAI WU JING JI COIN 3 times.

2) If you friend give u a SHOU ZI birthday cake and SHOU BAO
Image result for shou bao
If can dont eat. If no choice eat le hor. U go boil some rice water and drink rice water and touch bai wu jing ji coin.

So is good if u have a birthday celebrattion and dont know who give u what present, u that day just boil some porridge water.

_________ After all above birthday itself shower final rinse with 5 element oil______________

Can we eat SHOU bao ?

Halo if the shou bao is like daily food in BAO shop, is ok to eat. Or is GUAN YIN birthday is ok to eat. What I mean is , ur birthday people BUY u SHOU BAO than dont want eat.

Image result for 壽字金牌

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Birthday Heng BALL

Is good to have a bithday heng ball, made just for you. This was launched 3 years ago. U can give omhealth DOB and we will choose a BIRHTHDAY Heng Ball for u.

Is $138:>

BirthdayBall can be found in and just state your DOB in comment when making payment.


Art of Healing WOOD BRacelet

I wear this for 5 years le, more wear more nice and i find the big one, i put in office table and study desk very good. Is when I am stress I touch and run over my hand.
It has small one too.

Big one top is $480
Small one is $288.

Adopt one today if can very good feeling. After my 5th year using the gentle sweet scent is there.
The balance of this wood remind our natural environment to be balance and help us to achive mindful and health and happiness and wisdom by enhancing positive energy. It is also a wonderful piece to give elderly for present or people who always lost temper

U dont have to wear just touch and rub the bracelet.

Is Bracelet of COurage

My heart is open and fell of courage.

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