Thursday, October 6, 2016

Wood case studies

The healing wood set dont have many le. If u want the activated one can order.

A wonderful case study

A customer today told me a interesting findings

Shen mentioned many years ago, her aunt receive a small wood like size of 2 cm by 2 cm. And give to aunt.

That time her aunt's son cry non stop all the time. And when the wood given to the son, the crying issue stop.

This wood is the dragonblood wood. The 3 pieces of wood is all the special category. U can carry or hold it when feel not right.

Is a piece i now carry with me daily. Is good.

A new findings is the black wood, Ge Mu Ge wood and dragonblood wood are very good energy. It can clear no good energy.

For people who are very very sensitive one. U should have this wood. But putting in office can bring alot of good energy especially if surrounded by many difficult people.
Seems to enhance house or office energy for some who get it.

Wood below is 3 types to collect:
$18, $28, $28. u can get one also ok de


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