Monday, July 28, 2014

Bryan's Black Tourmaline Bracelet

Black Tourmaline Crystal specimen from Madagascar 

Bryan's black tourmaline bracelet are of high quality:>

Hi all, u can order your black tourmaline bracelet here:>

Black Tourmaline Bracelet :

Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Those who have my black tourmaline bracelet congrats, the Dzi u have is getting lesser le:>

It aids in understanding oneself and others.  It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear.  This bracelet attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

When bracelet holds in between palm it balances the right-left sides of the brain. And overcome paranoia, overcomes dyslexia and improves hand-eye coordination.
 Black Tourmaline releases tension:
I have use it very widely for relaxation. Those who are born in 60s, 70s, 80s, u can feel the energy of black tourmaline very suit you.

U have work very hard for many people, a lot situations. And those who are 60s, 70s, 80s, the heart has a kind of responsibilities which is over which can make a person too tired.

Never be the chaser of money, let money chase for u. Don't be slave to work and money.

How? Keep Calm and clear mind, money and opportunity will come. Black tourmaline work with this energy. Is not a charm. But is safe u from lousy fenshui master giving u stress more than advise.

Work with me to have a brighter future. Depend on yourself when u are strong. Black tourmaline use by many famous people. And Bryan's black tourmaline is best investment de.

 Personally I find it helpful for spinal adjustments.  Enhances energy and removes blockages.

How did I  use for it for spinal adjustment?

Sound weird?
Many of you know my spine has injury and is actually permanent damaged. So once a blue moon will fa zuo.

So when it happens, i apply 3 oil with rice oil and with more peppermint at the neck spine. Than I apply lavendula vera at base of skull and also ,lower back and base of foot. Also u know healing trees oil is for struture and grounding, i apply bottom of foot also.
Than I put black tourmaline on tummy and lie down flat on floor. Perform 478 breathing exercise 5 times and close my eyes rest and try to release and feel the pain absorb by the stone.
I find that knotted muscles can be relieved by this method.

++++++++++How to deal with negative energy ? +++++++++++++++++++

Negative energy depletes us, physically and spiritually. It can manifest as pain in our body.
Black Tourmaline brings it back to balance plus assists in letting go of negativity, self doubt, anxiety etc.
So to bring equilibrium into our lives, one may look at Black Tourmaline for assistance. Not only does it protect, ground, clear self doubt it also purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration.

Black tourmaline is excellent for assisting in bringing up memories hidden deep inside you in order to clear and release thought patterns of negativity that no longer serve your highest good. It also attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity.

How I DO?

I use eat chant OMMMM bead by bead for 5 minutes. Result is amazing, it raise the vibration urself and ur crystals and also cleanse the surrounding.

Back Pain and Emotion
  • Lower back pain generally signifies fear of money and lack of financial support.
  • Middle back pain is often symptomatic of guilt, feeling “stuck in all that stuff back there” or a person feels pressured and wishes they could tell someone to “get off of my back.”
  • Upper back pain often indicates lack of emotional support, feeling unloved, and/or holding back love. (1)

 Affirmation with Black tourmaline holding between palm and of course after u apply 3 oil on back and base of foot healing trees oil.
  • Lower back: I trust the process of life. All I need is always taken care of. I am safe.

  • Mid back: I release the past. I am free to move forward with love in my heart.
  • Upper back: I love and approve of myself. Life supports and loves me. (Extracted from Louis L Hay)

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